Home WordPress Test Drive WordPress 3.6 with WordPress Beta Tester Plugin

Test Drive WordPress 3.6 with WordPress Beta Tester Plugin


WordPress has recently released WordPress 3.6 Release Candidate which let you test wordpress 3.6, this is a beta version which let you test the new wordpress features and interface, It is not recommended to try the beta version in your working blog or website, instead you can give it a try in localhost or in a dummy wordpress installation in your server. Before moving to our main topic, let me add a note- why is it important to test the beta version of wordpress especially for wordpress developers.

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Why Developers Should Test Beta Version of WordPress?

WordPress recommends developers to install their plugins and themes in the beta version of WordPress to check the compatibility issues; if your plugin, widget or theme won’t work properly with the beta version then you can head over to alpha/beta support forum page to raise the issue. This helps WordPress development team to make necessary changes in the code to fix the issues and output the error-free final release.

How to Install WordPress 3.6 Release Candidate?

WordPress Beta Tester allows you to install and test wordpress 3.6 in few clicks, Here is a step by step guide to upgrade to WordPress 3.6 release candidate

  1. Login to your wordpress admin panel, Click on Plugins >> Add New
  2. Search for “WordPress Beta Tester” and click on “Search Plugins” or here is the link for the plugin
  3. Install WordPress Beta Tester plugin and then activate it
  4. Navigate to “Tools >> Beta Testing” in your wordpress admin area
  5. Beta Testing WordPress screen appears, in this screen choose “bleeding edge nightlies” which is a second option and click on “Save Changes” button
    test WordPress 3.6 release candidate
  6. Once done with it, go to “Updates” section under dashboard
  7. Click on “Update Now” button, it takes a few minutes to download and update to WordPress 3.6 release candidate
    upgrade to WordPress 3.6 release candidate



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