7 Tactics to Create an Efficient Content Marketing Strategy

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For most businesses, an efficient content marketing strategy should be the first priority on their to-do list. Successful Organisation understand that a good content marketing strategy has the ability to boost search results, attract new customers, gain credibility in a certain industry, and deliver important information to the current customers.

Content Marketing Strategy

According to a report by Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers that were surveyed say that they are creating more content in 2017 than they did last year. Yet only 37% indicate that their strategy is effective. Pursuing content marketing blindly and hoping it will work out as planned is not the way to go.

If you are running a business with full-time freelancers who assist in content marketing, it’s important that you find a balance between these tasks. Getting distracted by many tasks can create inefficiencies that may decrease your output and weaken content greatly. But you can turn things around and do it the right way. Here are few tips to get you organised and create a reliable content marketing strategy.

Create a schedule for different tasks

If you are working on projects that may take a lot of time, it may cause some major constraints on the budget and throw any campaign that is in progress off track. Planning ahead and scheduling your tasks will help you manage your team well, maintain transparency, increase communication, speed up workflow, and allow managers to plan for future projects. Similarly, it is important to adhere to meeting deadlines by celebrating small successes and offering congratulatory messages within the project schedule communication. This ensures that people are well motivated to handle other projects in future.

Delegate key tasks to specific people

Once the management has accepted to adopt the content marketing strategy, assign the most important tasks to a number of key people within the company. The main task may include finding out what content buyers and customers need. To kick start the process, you need people that can listen to the content needs of the customers wherever they are located. This will be facilitated by assigning specific tasks such as listening, to key people within the organisation to create an efficient content strategy.

Have a content strategy team in place

People working in a certain department tend to trust their colleagues who are working in the same position as them. That’s why it is important to have a peer-to-peer content marketing strategy approach where every employee in an organisation knows how to create content for the different audience. Content can be created based on collaborative nature to educate the customers on a certain topic, product or service.

Strategic content creation should be planned which is a perfect strategy to keep the customer coming back and maintain the buying cycle. This is backed up by having a strong team that can help in planning specific content themes once the content is created. Similarly, they assign different tasks to content listeners and creators. They also help to safeguard the planning and execution content initiatives and the entire content marketing strategy.

Choose a variety of content formats.

As a professional marketer, it is important to know your target audience before creating content. With the right people, they can craft high-quality content and market them using campaigns. Different people have different ways of absorbing information. To channel your efforts to produce useful information and engage your audience, it’s important to create content in form of videos, presentations, photographs, audio, text-based content and interviews. This allows for easier distribution of content across different platforms to reach to as many people as possible.

Keep in mind that your goal is to remove the barriers that exist in getting more content creators. So use an assortment of different content formats to facilitate content creation for a different audience.

Provide support in content creation

To maintain brand consistency, a company must have enough resources in place to work toward producing high-quality content. Some of the main resources you should have include copy editing to ensure that grammar and word usage is perfect, graph design to come with unique designs for the content, and technical assistance to format, include relevant links and correct the content to make it read well.

These resources can be provided by your organisation or outsourced from external providers including writing services such as Top Aussie Writers

Set expectations

The peer-to-peer content cannot be created if you fail to set goals and expectations. Remember your boss expect you to deliver, so you need to have the right people to do the job and the right plan. If the people don’t cooperate, get other people to do the job. If the project is not delivered on time, find out what you can do to help speed up the process. Get the team committed and make them part of the success.

Track time and note the progress

Tracking time and knowing how far you have gone will allow you to plan ahead. Choose a project tool that has the ability to track time, and make sure all stakeholders log the time needed to complete each process. Tracking time allows managers to discover which tasks are less efficient, which ones require more time or resources, and how to improve processes for future projects.

So, if content marketing is the core part of your organisation’s goals, you need to provide all the support it needs to succeed. These tips will act as a guideline to achieve an efficient content marketing strategy to produce content that is in line with your brand. At the end, you need boost your search results and attract new customers to make your business successful.


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