Home Marketing Social Media Free Social Media Optimization Tools to Track and Promote Your Blog

Free Social Media Optimization Tools to Track and Promote Your Blog

social media tools

Social Media Optimization in web terminology is nothing but promoting our blog or website by the help of social media network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumble upon, Delicious and Pinterest etc. Presenting our blog on social media is as important as creating the quality content for it as it helps to bring more traffic to your blog.

SMO is the powerful weapon that many bloggers have used to recover their blogs which are hit by Google Panda and some other Google updates. Making the calculated social media optimization to your blog is the best method that brings constant traffic. In this post I have only discussed about free online social media optimization and SMO tracking tools but not about the paid services such as Hootsuite or Buffer which have many limitations for free users.

So here are some free social media monitoring and optimization tools to keep track of your blog’s social presence as well as promote your blog by SMO using share buttons toolbar.

Free Social Media Tracking Tools



Coolsocial.net is one of the best social media analyzer where you can easily come to know the overall social media strength of your blog. Just specify your blog URL and hit on “website analysis” button, instantly you will get the result page in which you will get Google+ shares, stumbles, facebook likes as well as shares, twitter tweets and followers and delicious shares in a cool pie chart. It also comes up with meta information, domain and server details of the blog.

Analyze your blog with Coolsocial.



SharedCount is an online tool to analyze social media votes, it shows your blog’s or particular article’s Facebook shares , likes, comments, tweets, google+, pinterest pins, linked in shares, delicious bookmarks and stumble upon stumbles. It also allows you to add multiple URLs so that you can count social media votes of your various blog posts at once.

SharedCount is the best tool to calculate your blog’s social media presence, Check it out here.



Pinterest is one of the major traffic generators for blogs and websites but how do you track the images pinned by your article? Don’t worry, PinAlerts is there to help you, it informs you whenever an image gets pinned from your blog for free. With PinAlerts you can easily track pinterest pins of your several blogs under a single account. Start tracking your pinterest pins over here.



TweetReach is tweet analyzer tool that let you know who are reading your tweets, here you can search for tweets by keyword, user name, phrase, tweet text and URL. Just create a free account in TweetReach to monitor your tweets and also get the quick snapshot reports. TweetReach comes handy especially when you want to monitor a campaign. Check it out here.

Free Social Buttons Toolbar for Social Media Optimization



ShareitGetit is an online bulk social media optimization tool similar to ButtonSpace that can be used to promote your blog posts as well as websites on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and Stumble upon. ShareitGetit also accepts links from URL parameter so you can add websites or blog posts link in browser’s address bar separated by comma, here is an example http://shareitgetit.com?vote=www.myfirstsite.com,www.mysecondsite.com. This tool is a good platform for professional social media optimizer team who exchange links for SMO.

Give a try to ShareitGetit online bulk social media optimization tool.



ButtonSpace is a SMO toolbar which comes up with Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumble upon and Pinterest sharing buttons. It loads the specified website or blog post below the sharing buttons which helps to bring traffic. ButtonSpace supports URL parameter. Visit ButtonSpace website over here.


  1. HI,

    These SMO tools are very useful for freshers and experienced in this social media market. I really interest and checking these tools and trying to utilize this tools to get traffic from social media market.



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