A Quick Look on the Stunning New Features of WordPress 3.6 “OSCAR”

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Hi, this is +Shrinivas. I am a freelance web developer and part time blogger having skills in WordPress, HTML/CSS, jQuery, PHP and CodeIgniter.

After releasing two “release candidates” WordPress has finally released the most awaited WordPress 3.6 with the release name “Oscar”. So what is new in WordPress 3.6? WordPress 3.6 brings a bunch of new features to make WordPress CMS more easy to use than ever before. First of all let’s know why WordPress has named “OSCAR” to this release, WordPress has dedicated this release to the famous jazz pianist Oscar Emmanuel Peterson from Canada.

WordPress 3.6 has got many features and improvements especially in the revision, auto save and media sections, adding your favorite audio/video to your blog is as simple as ABC. There is lot to talk about this new version so let’s get started.

wordpress 3.6 features

New Features of WordPress 3.6 Oscar

Here are some cool new features of WordPress 3.6 Oscar release-

Brand New Twenty Thirteen Theme

twenty thirteen theme

WordPress 3.6 comes with the brand new responsive twenty thirteen theme which is filled with orange and brown color scheme, attractive typography and sliding search box. This one is the perfect theme for bloggers who like to serve their content in a simple but effective way.

You can choose from 3 beautiful headers in twenty thirteen theme’s customization page. One more modification is- WordPress 3.6 uses “thoughts” term for comments. If someone comments on your post then it says “one thought on “suffixed with your article name.

Integrated Media Player

html5 media player

Uploading and adding media into your post or page is easier than ever before with WordPress 3.6. It comes with in-built HTML5 media player hence you need not install any third party plugins to add mp3 or mp4 files. Embedding your audio or video is nothing but copy and pasting your uploaded file’s URL in your post.

Easy Post Revision

revision  feature with slider

WordPress 3.6 has the major change in revision section. Now it is easy to compare and revise your post by just scrolling a slider to specific timeline.

Navigation Made Easy

new menu editor of wordpress 3.6

Finding it difficult to mingle with navigation in older version of WordPress? WordPress 3.6 has made it easy to work with improved menu editor. The new menu editor comes with two different tabs to manage menu more effectively.

Improved AutoSave

The enhanced AutoSave of wordpress 3.6 let you start off your work where you left it. It saves separated autosave stream for each user who works on the draft. It utilizes both local storage and server to store the autosave data.

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