8 Useful Ways to Draw Traffic to Your Blog

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No matter how experienced and talented you are, there are always moments in your writing career when people seem not to be interested in your content anymore. You post, and you post, but nothing goes better. This situation might be a sign for you that there is something you need to improve or work on.

increase-blog-traffic blogging

  • Content changes

Some people that the problem might be in the content you are posting. As you know, several types of content are considered the most popular among the readers. Therefore, posting this kind of content might improve the situation.

  • Lists. Users like lists. They are easy to read and memorize. It is like getting valuable information in a very short and comprehensive manner.
  • How-Tos. The main reason for a constant popularity for this type of content is hidden in the fact that most users go online to find out how they can manage to do something. The searches vary from how to treat a disease at home to how to run a large corporation on your own. Whatever you are writing about, make sure to show your readers how you do what you do and how they can join you there.
  • Lists with useful links. You can take your time and create a list of the resources you consider useful for your target audience (remember to add your own blog to this list). Not only you will make your followers happy, but also yield trust to your blog. And also, those you added in the list can spread a word about your blog on their pages as well.
  • Interviews. If you are currently in a niche that allows you to add interviews to your blog, then go for it. It is a name game, Once a name of a famous person appears in your articles, you will draw the attention of those who love the person in question as well as make raise awareness of your brand among regular readers.
  • Infographics. With the advanced technologies we see today, people are less likely to read long posts. They would rather learn the valuable information you want to share with them from a picture that both contains all the information and is interesting to look at. This will increase your chances of them sharing your posts on the social media.
  • Reviews. If you have already built up a reputation of a person that is familiar with the matter on a deep level, then you can leave your reviews on products or services related to your blog.
  • Podcasts. Finally, you can create the podcast to make your blog more valuable to the readers. You will provide them with the information they need and will save them time by setting up the podcasts.
  • Mobile version

It is common now that people read more from their tablets or any other mobile devices. If your content is not available or is difficult to read from a mobile phone, you are losing a significant number of potential followers. Therefore, if you want to make your blog more attractive, make it mobile-friendly. See if the platform you are using supports mobile formats, or if not, you can even consider a different platform. No matter what you decide, you need to reach out to readers with mobile devices.

  • Repurpose your blog

If you set a goal of sharing great ideas with homemakers but soon realized that this niche is too crowded, maybe the best solution for you will change the concept of your blog. Opt for a less popular niche and try to become the best one there. There are bloggers that entered this business year before you, and it is inevitable that they are recognized as the leaders of the market here. So, instead of trying to outdo yourself, choose a new topic, repurpose your blog and start all over again. However, make sure to repurpose it smoothly not to repel your current readers.

  • Opt for a better topic

It might be that you chose to write a series of posts about something you find interesting. However, your readers might be of a different opinion about it. If you used to have a lot of followers before, but experience difficulties now, consider asking your followers about it or changing a topic to something less narrow or more innovative. On top of that, you can search for better ideas and tips by Google Trends, Feedly, etc. to see what users are interested in and what you can offer them here.

  • Add more pictures

People are more likely to read your blog if it does not only consist of large text parts but also has some bright and fun pictures that explain the main idea and entertain the readers. So, consider going to a stock or start creating images yourself for your blog.

  • Create videos

The idea behind it is the same as for videos: they require less effort to grasp the concept from a video than from reading an article. So, use this for your own benefit: start filming videos where you talk about the topic of your choice or upload videos by famous bloggers to do this work for you to yield more traffic to your website.

  • Consider guest posts

When you ask prominent bloggers to write for you, you are boosting the popularity of your site thanks to the name play. Ask prominent people to write for you or offer the same service to them: you will both benefit from this experience, and you will have fun!

  • Use social media

Social media is what you should use a lot to promote your blog. Create separate pages for your business and increase your influence on the market with the aid of social network giants like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Reduction of traffic on your website happens to all the writers. Use it as a sign that there is something you need to change about your blog to strengthen your current influence and attract new ones.


About the Guest author:

Richard Nolan is a blogger and a private tutor, sharing his experience in spheres of blogging, self-growth, and psychology. Richard writes for numerous blogs and gives useful tips for bloggers, students, and teachers.

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