Being visible and easy to find via search engines is essential for any business, which is why search engine optimization (SEO) is such an important marketing strategy. According to the 2020 Digital Experience Benchmark report, 69 percent of all websites aren’t even seen by consumers, which means they either aren’t employing any SEO strategies or are failing to use them the right way.

As SEO can be difficult to understand and even more confusing to apply, if you’re noticing any of the clues below, it’s time to get some help by taking advantage of SEO consulting services.
Your Site Has a Low Ranking Among the Search Engines
When you search for your website/company name on Google and other search engines, how quickly does it come up? Do you have to search through page after page, or are you not finding it at all? Try searching for a term that users would use to look for the services you provide. For example, if you’re offering travel-related services, you might search for “traveling planning assistance in (your location).” If SEO is properly employed on your site, it should be an option that comes up via a Google search. If your site isn’t appearing in either case, that’s a big red flag that you need SEO help.
No Professional Knowledge or Training in SEO
The best SEO practices are constantly changing, which is why experts have to keep on top of the latest to provide the best results. While you might think you can simply read a few articles on the Internet and learn all you need to know, it’s far more complicated than that, even if you’re an outstanding strategist or highly experienced business person of any kind. Obtaining SEO help from a true professional will ensure that your site has a good presence, getting plenty of organic traffic.
You’re on a Tight Budget
One of the most valuable resources is time, and time is money. If you’re juggling multiple different tasks, including keeping your company’s site optimized, that’s taking away from the time you have to grow your business and earn more money. Hiring a professional to do the job allows you to focus on what you do best. Plus, for a site that ranks higher, getting more organic traffic is likely to generate greater earnings, which means utilizing expert SEO services will probably pay for itself over time.
The bottom line is that SEO can provide the biggest return on investment as it is essentially free advertising once you’re ranked among the search engines. Even if you have an unlimited budget, it makes no sense to simply toss money at marketing campaigns, hoping something sticks.
Traffic and Sales Are Dropping
Your site might be beautifully designed, but if your traffic and sales are dropping, that probably means it’s time to change strategies by analyzing what’s going on with your site. It may be that users are confused by it, it’s running too slow, and they’re losing patience, or the SEO strategies previously employed are no longer ones that work. A skilled SEO consultant can diagnose the problem and redesign it using SEO practices to potentially make it a more efficient money earner once again.
There is No Mobile Version of Your Site
To be easy to find on Google and other search engines, it’s also important to have your site optimized for the mobile version, which tends to generate a lot more traffic than a standard website. These days, everyone is searching via their smartphones, and if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, search engines may limit your company’s visibility.