5 Super Cool Coming Soon Plugins for WordPress

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Hi, this is +Shrinivas. I am a freelance web developer and part time blogger having skills in WordPress, HTML/CSS, jQuery, PHP and CodeIgniter.

Designing a website is a time consuming job, it doesn’t complete in 2-3 days, it may take weeks or sometimes it would also go up to months according to your clients requirements. In the meantime you can use under construction plugin to avoid showing the half done website which looks unprofessional. Under construction plugin which is also called as coming soon plugin makes it easy to hide the half done website to the visitors, only logged in users can see the website. Here we have come up with some best coming soon wordpress plugins.

Also read:

List of Best Coming Soon Plugins for WordPress

Ultimate Coming Soon Page

ultimate coming soon page

Ultimate coming soon page by John Turner is a highly customizable wordpress plugin that makes it easy to add “website under construction” page with feedburner form. You can change background color, font, logo and also add custom HTML and CSS to your coming soon page.

Easy Coming Soon

easy coming soon

You can create responsive launch page for your website with easy coming soon wordpress plugin. It is possible to collect visitors email and also add social media icons to your under construction page with easy coming soon wordpress plugin. This plugin also supports Google Analytics tracking.

Coming Soon / Maintenance mode Ready

coming soon maintenance mode

This plugin comes with several options to hide the half done website, you can redirect to different page, switch your website to maintenance mode or add a responsive under construction page for your website. You can also add an email subscription form and social media icons to your coming soon page with this plugin.

Indot Under

Indot Under

Indot under is another best coming soon wordpress plugin that comes with countdown option that means you can add count down timer to your under construction page. With Indot under plugin you can allow certain IPs or wordpress roles to view the website.

Easy Pie Maintenance Mode

easy pie maintenance mode

You can easily convey “Website under maintenance” message to your visitors with easy pie maintenance mode wordpress plugin. It is a simple plugin with minimal options which allows you to add your own logo, title and description on maintenance mode page.



Sunshine Launch is a new pre-lauch WordPress plugin, this plugin has a bunch of design options and easy configuration based on needs, by far, its more advanced plugin with its research and integration of email marketing tools.


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