8 Best WordPress Starter Themes to Create Your Own WordPress Template

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Hi, this is +Shrinivas. I am a freelance web developer and part time blogger having skills in WordPress, HTML/CSS, jQuery, PHP and CodeIgniter.

Are you thinking about how to create a wordpress theme? Do you want to create a wordpress theme and sell it to make some money? Well, creating a wordpress theme is not an easy job especially when you are working from the ground, but you can build your own wordpress templates using a starter wordpress theme which saves your valuable time and energy. Before continuing to our main topic let’s have a look at what exactly is wordpress starter theme.

Also read:

What is a WordPress Starter Theme?

As mentioned above creating a wordpress theme from scratch is a time consuming job, first of all you need to work with HTML and CSS and then convert it to wordpress theme but wordpress starter theme comes with ready made code which includes most of the wordpress components including header, navigation, sidebar and footer etc., all you need is to work with CSS to give it the desired look. You can also include additional functions and features to the starter theme if you are good at PHP and jQuery.

There are many wordpress starter themes available on the web, here we have listed the best starter themes for wordpress which are ready to fulfill your wordpress theme creation dream.

List of the Best Starter Themes for WordPress



Underscores by Automattic is a light weight responsive HTML5 starter theme for wordpress which makes wordpress theme creation easy. Underscores starter theme includes 5 sample CSS layouts, a 404 page, mobile friendly navigation and many other useful features. creating a wordpress theme with Underscores is fun and easy, just navigate your browser to Underscores.me, enter the template name, slug, author name, author URI and description and click on “Generate” button, the starter template will be downloaded which is ready to customize.


roots starter theme

Roots is another popular wordpress starter theme built with HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap framework. Roots uses gruntfile which sends minimal requests to the server and as the result it optimizes the speed of the template you create. Some other interesting features that Roots uses are advanced theme wrapper which avoids repeated coding and clean URLs.


bones starter wordpress theme

Bones by Themble is another well-known starter theme for wordpress built upon HTML5 Boilerplate. Bones is a responsive starter theme that uses LESS and SASS. Along with this Bones comes with many useful features such as custom post types and custom dashboard functions that you can incorporate with your wordpress theme.



Quark is a responsive wordpress starter template which relies upon Underscores starter theme listed on the top of this list. It uses 12 column grid to perfectly fit in any modern devices and it also utilizes normalize and modernizer java scripts to make use of HTML5 and CSS3 capabilities and properly output the created wordpress theme.



BootstrapWP by Rachel Baker is the best base template to create your own Bootstrap powered wordpress template. You can use the useful components of Twitter Bootstrap such as drop downs, buttons, thumbnails, alerts, navigation and pagination in your wordpress template as BootstrapWP relies on the Bootstrap framework. Creating a wordpress theme with BootstrapWP becomes more easy if you are familiar with Twitter Bootstrap framework.

Hybrid Base

Hybrid Base

Hybrid Base is a good starter template to quick start your wordpress theme development, Hybrid Base is responsive and it supports to add custom header, custom menu, custom background and post formats etc. Hybrid Base wordpress starter theme can be downloaded from GitHub repository.

_tk Starter Theme

_tk starter theme by themekraft

_tk by themekraft is a responsive and minimal wordpress starter theme built using Underscores and Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 framework.

Basic by Themify

basic starter theme

Basic by Themify comes with the responsive layout to fit in all the modern devices, this starter theme comes preloaded with lightbox gallery, 5 skins, social media icons and scroll to top button.

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