5 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid on Your ‘About’ Page

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Creating an SEO friendly ‘About’ page is quite simple and straightforward. However, do keep it in mind that it’s not too difficult to screw up even the simplest of things. A little negligence, a slight slip-up or a missing element has the potential to derail your SEO campaign. If you would like to improve the chances of appearing higher up the order in the search results, then there are certain common mistakes that you must be cautious about. Let’s find out whether you are making any of these howlers with your ‘About Us’ page.

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Mistake 1: You Don’t Have an ‘About’ Page

The biggest blunder you can commit is by not having an ‘About’ page at all. There are people who consider ‘About’ page to be a cliché and chuck it off completely. By doing so, you are not only diminishing your search engine visibility, but also losing out on sharing your ideas, values and objectives with your visitors. It’s an opportunity to let the potential customers know about yourself and your business. ‘About’ page gives your online business a ‘face’ – which can go a long way in building trust and credibility among the users.

Mistake 2: Your Focus is on Yourself, Not on the Readers

Your ‘About’ page shouldn’t be only about yourself. Apart from sharing your own identity, business objectives, expertise and success stories, you must spare a thought or two for your visitors as well. Everyone would like to know what do you have in store for them, so explain in a few words how your business can benefit the readers. If the scope of your business is restricted to a specific group of users or a particular geographic location, then explicitly make a mention of the same. It can eventually get your business listed on the local search results.

Mistake 3: You Are Not Building Links to Your ‘About’ Page

It’s no secret that link building has immense significance when it comes to search engine optimization. If you have already employed a similar strategy for your articles and blog posts, then extend the scope to the ‘About’ page as well and create quality backlinks to this all important page of your website.

Mistake 4: You Are a Victim of Keyword Stuffing

Not including your keyword is a bad practice, but overdoing so can be equally harmful. You must keep a healthy keyword density to improve the SEO score of your ‘About’ page. Similarly, targeting too many keywords can be detrimental, so carefully analyze all the probable options and include a few of the most relevant and impactful ones in your ‘About’ page. Having just a single primary keyword and 2/3 secondary keywords can be the ideal bet.

Mistake 5: You Are Not Utilizing Media Files

Besides making your content visually appealing, media files can bring you an all new dimension to enhance your SEO campaign.
A short video to introduce your business, a photograph of your workplace or a tailor-made infographic to suit your objectives can go a long way in capturing the readers’ imaginations. And a bonus from the SEO perspective would be the opportunity to include your keywords in naming the media files. A common practice is to use the primary keyword as the file name and have the secondary keywords listed in the ‘ALT’ attribute. Don’t you think that’s a typical case of killing two birds with just a single stone? So don’t let the opportunity slip away.

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As they say, don’t wait for things to happen, rather make them happen! Get rid of the above mentioned SEO mistakes and let the search algorithms find your ‘About’ page more frequently. Finally, if you are looking for some innovative content ideas to make the ‘About’ page even more interesting, then you can always take some inspirations from this brilliant infographic created by Wise Startup Blog. All said and done, just remember to do the basics right, the rest would automatically fall in place.

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