There is no doubt that social sharing plugin helps to spread your blog content and make it viral on the social media networks but do you know how it impacts on the loading time of your blog? Yes it impacts much, a social sharing plugin has to load minimum 5 sharing button scripts namely Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest along with their images. Just think of it, if a single social media script is around 10 KB then your website has to request minimum 50 kilo bytes of data to your server every time someone visits your blog post. Then how to load social media buttons without impacting the loading time of your blog? The best solution is to use asynchronous social sharing plugin which loads social media buttons asynchronously.
What Exactly is Asynchronous Loading?
Before checking asynchronous social sharing plugins let’s have a look at what exactly is asynchronous loading? Asynchronous loading is nothing but a technique of loading multiple scripts parallel to each other which doesn’t mess with the loading time of the blog.
We get hundreds of synchronous sharing plugins but there are only few asynchronous social sharing plugins available for WordPress. Here are the best asynchronous social sharing plugins available in WordPress plugin repository to load your blog faster.
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List of Asynchronous Social Sharing Plugins for WordPress
Floating Social Bar
Floating social bar developed by Syed Balkhi and Thomas Griffin is the best asynchronous social sharing plugin that let your visitors share the blog content on famous social media websites. Floating social bar adds the horizontal sharing bar which floats with the page on scrolling, it only loads the scripts on hovering the mouse on sharing button which doesn’t affect the blog speed. Floating social bar has the user friendly drag-drop interface and also comes with the option to hide the social bar on specific page or post.
Async Social Sharing
Async social sharing by Rachel Baker loads the social sharing scripts only when your blog loads completely. You can add Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin and Hacker News sharing buttons with async social sharing wordpress plugin. The plugin also has the useful option to show the sharing widget on pages and specific custom post types.
Share Center Pro
With share center pro plugin you can add up to 7 asynchronous social sharing buttons to your blog. The plugin has an easy to use settings panel where you can select the available social media buttons to display in your articles and pages.
Share Buttons by AddToAny
Share buttons by AddToAny is another good asynchronous social sharing plugin that comes with the bunch of customization features to customize the sharing widget the way you want. The plugin has many useful features including Google Analytics integration and inform with email etc.
Social Master
Social master adds a vertical social sharing bar to your blog post that includes the major social media buttons including Facebook like, Facebook send, Twitter follow, Tweet and Google plus, the plugin is also available in premium version that has many other useful features.